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contoh kalimat chip in

"chip in" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You obviously substituted a bogus chip in my memory.
    Anda jelas diganti chip palsu dalam ingatanku.
  • Do I put the chocolate chips in now, Mommy?
    Apakah saya menaruh chocolate chips sekarang, Mommy?
  • But this Daddy Warbucks wants to chip in, man.
    Tapi orang kaya itu ingin membantumu, kawan.
  • Push all my chips in and hope to get lucky.
    Dorongsemuachipsayadi dan berharap untuk mendapatkan beruntung.
  • I don't want you chipping in, either, OK?
    Aku juga tak mau kau ikut bicara, oke?
  • All right, pour those magic chips in, here you go.
    tuangkan keripik sihirnya ke dalam mangkuk.
  • And there's mint chocolate chip in the freezer.
    Dan ada cokelat chip mint di dalam freezer.
  • Even so, there are chips in my wedding china.
    Bahkan itupun, masih ada remahan keripik di piring-piringku.
  • You've got a chip in your head, don't you?
    Anda sudah mendapat chip di kepala Anda, bukan?
  • Don't tell me you put that chip in his head.
    Jangan bilang kamu menempatkan chip di kepalanya.
  • You getting a hit on the chip in her pocket?
    Anda mendapatkan hit pada chip dalam saku?
  • Okay, but you guys are gonna chip in for the--
    Baiklah, tapi kalian harus mengeluarkan uang untuk
  • We're monitoring the GPS chip in Baptiste's phone.
    Kami memantau chip GPS di ponsel Baptiste.
  • The man had a chip... in his head!
    Pria itu punya sebuah chip... di kepalanya!
  • Captain's put all his chips in the middle of the table here.
    Kapten mempertaruhkan segalanya di sini.
  • They planted a chip in my fucking gums!
    Mereka menanam chip di pAdaku gusi sialan!
  • The card had a music chip in it.
    Kartu itu memiliki chip musik di dalamnya.
  • We're chipping in with Frankie for his dad.
    Kami menyumbang dengan Frankie untuk ayahnya.
  • You used to chip in on their bets.
    awak sedang ikut dalam taruhan mereka.
  • The others chipped in financially, and took turns looking after Master.
    Yang lainnya kegunaan,.. ..dan bergantian menjaga guru.
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